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Most Rewards Missed

The Most Rewards Missed chart breaks down indexes that have missed the most dETH rewards in a moving 7-day period across all validators in the index. The chart shows which indexes are facing issues and are likely facing reward penalties which will require top-up and other interventions to get the validator in good standing. This chart means the index owner should take immediate action to investigate why their index is in poor standing.

Users that find their index in this chart should contact the node operator to see if this is across all the validators or only specific ones. If the node operator is doing a poor job, users should look into exchanging their savETH for higher-yielding savETH via the Open Index. Note: Stakehouse does not manage any nodes and has a hands-off approach to encourage decentralization.

The Most Rewards Missed is calculated based on the potential earnings missed due to penalties on poor-performing validators in a moving 7-day period with calculations once per day (225 epochs). Stakehouse reports this on the leaderboard by summing individual missed earnings from all the validators in the selected index and presenting the cumulative amount. Once missed earnings are calculated, the ranking is generated to reflect the highest potential earnings missed in a moving 7-day period.

Most Rewards Missed is a warning to users to bring awareness to issues that can be affecting their staking business. Being aware and having information accessible quickly allows for mitigating the effects of poor operations. It also allows rational market actors to learn and take advantage by rebalancing the index validators.

Most Rewards Missed