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Most Rewards Earned

The Most Rewards Earned chart breaks down indexes that have earned the most cumulative dETH rewards in a moving 7-day period. The chart shows which indexes were able to produce the largest amount of rewards. The indexes consist of validators that all generate varying amounts of dETH rewards. The amount of dETH indicates a successful collective of validators but doesn’t necessarily mean all are at peak performance.

The difference between Highest Index APR and Most Rewards earned is that the Highest Index APR is the average rewards earned by an index, while the Most Rewards are the cumulative amount of rewards earned in an index.

The Most Rewards Earned is calculated based on the attestation and block proposal rewards earned by validators in a moving 7-day period with calculations once per day (225 epochs). Stakehouse reports this on the leaderboard by summing individual rewards earned from all the validators in the selected index and presenting the cumulative amount. Once rewards are calculated, the ranking is generated to reflect the highest earners in a moving 7-day period.

Most Rewards earned provides users a benchmark for how their index and the validators within it should be performing. Indexes that are not at the top should work with node operators and look to dig deeper and investigate the issues causing their poor performance.

Most Rewards Earned