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Utils sub-class

This sub-class exposes all the necessary functions from the Liquid Staking Manager smart contract. For anyone to use this sub-class, it is necessary to initialize the Wizard SDK with signer instance and liquidStakingManagerAddress. Liquid Staking Manager address is the ETH address of the Liquid Staking Manager smart contract of the respective LSD.

add0x function

Appends 0x towards the start of a string, or object.

Input params

data: String or object to be appended with 0x

Using the function



String or object (depending on the input parameter) appended with 0x towards the start.

remove0x function

Removes 0x from the front of a string or object.

Input params

data: String or object to remove 0x from

Using the function



String or object (depending on the input parameter) with removed 0x from the beginning.

getDAOAddress function

To get Ethereum address specified as the DAO during deployment of the LSD network.

Using the function

await wizard.utils.getDAOAddress();


DAO address of the LSD network.

getSavETHVaultAddress function

Fetches Protected Staking pool address of the LSD network.

Using the function

await wizard.utils.getSavETHVaultAddress();


Ethereum address of Protected Staking pool.

getFeesAndMEVPoolAddress function

Fetched Fees and MEV pool address of the LSD network.

Using the function

await wizard.utils.getFeesAndMEVPoolAddress();


Ethereum address of the Fees and MEV pool.

getStakehouseTicker function

Fetches the Stakehouse ticker of the stakehouse deployed with the LSD network.

Using the function

await wizard.utils.getStakehouseTicker();


String ticker of the Stakehouse.

isWhitelistingEnabled function

Fetches the status of whitelisting in the LSD network. Is whitelisting is enabled, only selected node runners can become a node operator in the network. If disabled, anyone can become a node operator.

Using the function

await wizard.utils.isWhitelistingEnabled();



isNodeRunnerWhitelisted function

Fetches the whitelist status of the node operator in the LSD network.

Input params

nodeRunnerAddress: Ethereum execution layer address of the node operator

Using the function

await wizard.utils.isNodeRunnerWhitelisted(nodeRunnerAddress);


Boolean. true if node operator is whitelisted in the LSD network, false if the node operator is restricted in the LSD network or if doesn't belong to the LSD network.

getSmartWalletRepresentative function

Fetches the EOA representative appointed by the node operator for the smart wallet.

Input params

smartWalletAddress: address of the smart wallet

Using the function

await wizard.utils.getSmartWalletRepresentative(smartWalletAddress);


EOA representative of the smart wallet.

getSmartWalletOfKnot function

Fetches the smart wallet associated with the provided BLS public key. Make sure that the BLS public key is registered in the given LSD network.

Input params

blsPublicKey: BLS public key of the KNOT

Using the function

await wizard.utils.getSmartWalletOfKnot(blsPublicKey);


Address of the smart wallet associated with the KNOT.

getSmartWalletOfNodeRunner function

Fetches the smart wallet associated with the node runner in the LSD network.

Input params

nodeRunnerAddress: Ethereum address of the node runner

Using the function

await wizard.utils.getSmartWalletOfNodeRunner(nodeRunnerAddress);


Ethereum address of the Smart wallet.

getNodeRunnerOfSmartWallet function

Fetches the node runner associated with the smart wallet in the LSD network.

Input params

smartWalletAddress: address of the smart wallet

Using the function

await wizard.utils.getNodeRunnerOfSmartWallet(smartWalletAddress);


Ethereum address of the node runner.

getStakedKnotsOfSmartWallet function

Fetches the number of KNOTs staked in the smart wallet of the LSD network.

Input params

smartWalletAddress: address of the smart wallet

Using the function

await wizard.utils.getStakedKnotsOfSmartWallet(smartWalletAddress);


Number of staked KNOTs in Big Numbers.

getSmartWalletDormantRepresentative function

Fetches the dormant representative of the smart wallet in the LSD network. A representative is set dormant when a KNOT is staked to make sure that the node runner doesn't appoint a new representative while a KNOT is pending activation after staking.

Input params

smartWalletAddress: Address of the smart wallet

Using the function

await wizard.utils.getSmartWalletDormantRepresentative(smartWalletAddress);


EOA of dormant representative.

isNodeRunnerBanned function

Fetches the ban status of a node runner. A node runner can be banned by the LSD deployer if the node runner is found to be malicious.

Input params

nodeRunnerAddress: Ethereum address of the node runner

Using the function

await wizard.utils.isNodeRunnerBanned(nodeRunnerAddress);


Boolean. true if banned, false otherwise.

getNumberOfKnots function

Fetches the number of KNOTs that have interacted with the particular LSD Network.

Using the function

await wizard.utils.getNumberOfKnots();


Count of KNOTs in Big Numbers.

getDaoCommissionPercentage function

Fetches the percentage of commission that the LSD Network owner takes from the node runner's earnings. The commission is set by the LSD owner during the deployment and can be later updated. The commission ranges from 0% to 100%.

Using the function

await wizard.utils.getDaoCommissionPercentage();


Returns percentage in Big Numbers.

isBLSPublicKeyBanned function

Fetches the ban status of the BLS public key. A BLS public key is banned after a node runner has withdrawn 4 ETH from the smart wallet for this particular BLS public key. The node runner can only withdraw 4 ETH as long the BLS public key has not been staked. Once banned, the BLS public key cannot be used in the LSD network.

Input params

blsPublicKey: BLS Public key

Using the function

await wizard.utils.isBLSPublicKeyBanned(blsPublicKey);


Boolean. true if banned, false otherwise.

Using the function

await wizard.utils.executeAsSmartWallet(nodeRunnerAddress, targetContractAddress, encodedFunctionData, ethValue);

deRegisterKnotsFromSyndicate function

For knots no longer operational, DAO can de register the knot from the syndicate.

Input params

blsPublicKeys: BLS public key of the KNOT

Using the function

await wizard.utils.deRegisterKnotsFromSyndicate(blsPublicKeys);

updateDaoAddress function

Migrate the DAO to a new address. Can be only called by the DAO.

Input params

newDaoAddress: Ethereum address of the new DAO address

Using the function

await wizard.utils.updateDaoAddress(newDaoAddress);

updateDaoRevenueCommission function

Updates the revenue commission for the LSD. Node runners will have to pay the percentage of commission. Can be only called by the DAO address.

Input params

newDaoRevenueCommission: Updated revenue commission. It can range from 0 to 100%

Using the function

await wizard.utils.updateDaoRevenueCommission(newDaoRevenueCommission);

updateStakehouseTicker function

Allow the DAO to rotate the network ticker before the network house is created

Input params

newStakehouseTicker: string name of the stakehouse of 3-5 characters.

Using the function

await wizard.utils.updateStakehouseTicker(newStakehouseTicker);

updateWhitelisting function

Update the whitelisting status of the LSD. When enabled, only selected node operators can become a node runner for this LSD network. Can be only called by the DAO.

Input params

newWhitelistingStatus: Boolean.

Using the function

await wizard.utils.updateWhitelisting(newWhitelistingStatus);

updateNodeRunnerWhitelistStatus function

Update the whitelist status of a node runner. Can be only called by the DAO.

Input params

nodeRunnerAddress: Address of the node runner
newWhitelistingStatus: Boolean status of whitelist

Using the function

await wizard.utils.updateNodeRunnerWhitelistStatus(nodeRunnerAddress, newWhitelistingStatus);

rotateEOARepresentative function

Appoint a new representative for the node runner. Should be called by the node runner who owns the smart wallet. The new representative will then be associated to the node runner's smart wallet.

Input params

newRepresentativeAddress: Address of the new representative

Using the function

await wizard.utils.rotateEOARepresentative(newRepresentativeAddress);

withdrawETHForKnot function

Allow node runners to withdraw ETH from their smart wallet. ETH can only be withdrawn until the KNOT has not been staked. Once the ETh is withdrawn for the BLS public key, this key will be banned from the LSD and can no longer be used to stake.

Input params

recipientAddress: Ethereum address that receives the ETH after withdrawal
blsPublicKey: BLS public key for which the ETH is to be withdrawn

Using the function

await wizard.utils.withdrawETHForKnot(recipientAddress, blsPublicKey);

manageNodeRunnerSmartWallet function

Allow appointing a new node runner if the existing node runner coordinates with the DAO to sell their wallet. Can be only called by the DAO address or the current owner of the smart wallet.

Input params

currentNodeRunner: Address of the current owner of the smart wallet
newNodeRunner: Address of the new node runner to be associated with the smart wallet
wasCurrentNodeRunnerMalicious: Boolean. true if the current node runner was malicious, false otherwise

Using the function

await wizard.utils.manageNodeRunnerSmartWallet(currentNodeRunner, newNodeRunner, wasCurrentNodeRunnerMalicious);

claimRewardsAsNodeRunner function

Allows a node runner to claim ETH from the syndicate from their smart wallet. Can be only called by the node runner that owns a smart wallet in the LSD network.

Input params

recipientAddress: Address that receives the ETH after claiming
blsPublicKeys: List of BLS public keys to claim rewards for

Using the function

await wizard.utils.claimRewardsAsNodeRunner(recipientAddress, blsPublicKeys);

registerBLSPublicKeys function

Allows node runners to register a new BLS public key. If the node runner is interacting with the LSD network for the fist time, then a new smart wallet is created. If not, then the BLS public keys are added to the existing smart wallet of the node runner. Every node runner has a uniques smart wallet in an LSD network. The node runner should also supply 4 ETH with every BLS public keys he wants to register.

Input params

blsPublicKeys: List of BLS public keys to be registered
blsSignatures: List of BLS signatures corresponding to each of the BLS public keys
representativeAddress: EOA representative to be appointed by the node runner
ethValue: ETH attached along with the transaction. 4 ETH per BLS public key.

Using the function

await wizard.utils.registerBLSPublicKeys(blsPublicKeys, blsSignatures, representativeAddress, ethValue);

stake function

Stake a list of BLS public keys. Make sure that there is enough ETH for all the BLS public keys. Can be only called by a node runner who has registered BLS public keys in the LSD network.

Input params

blsPublicKeys: List of BLS public keys to be staked
cipherTexts: List of cipher texts corresponding to the BLS public keys
aesEncryptorKeys: List of AES encryptor keys corresponding to the BLS public keys
encryptionSignatures: List of encryption signatures corresponding to the BLS public keys dataRoots: List of data roots corresponding to the BLS public keys

Using the function

await wizard.utils.stake(blsPublicKeys, cipherTexts, aesEncryptorKeys, encryptionSignatures, dataRoots);

mintDerivatives function

Trigger minting of derivatives for a KNOT after it has been activated on Ethereum consensus layer. Anyone can trigger minting. After the minting of the KNOT has been triggered, it starts earning rewards.

Input params

blsPublicKeys: List of BLS public keys to trigger minting for
beaconChainReports: List of finalised beacon chain reports for each of the BLS public keys
authenticatedReportSignatures: List of report signatures after the beacon chain reports have been authenticated by the deposit router

Using the function

await wizard.utils.mintDerivatives(blsPublicKeys, beaconChainReports, authenticatedReportSignatures);

getNetworkFeeRecipient function

Fetch the network recipient, which the node runner must set in order to receive rewards after their KNOT has been activated. Every LSD network has a single fee recipient determined by its syndicate contract.

Using the function

await wizard.utils.getNetworkFeeRecipient();


Ethereum address of the LSD's fee recipient

toggleHouseGatekeeper function

Allow a DAO address (LSD owner address) to toggle the gatekeeping of the LSD.

Using the function

await wizard.utils.toggleHouseGatekeeper(enable);

Input params

enable: If set to true, enables house gatekeeping and if set to false, dsiables the gatekeeping.

transferSmartWalletOwnership function

Allows an LSD node operator to transfer their smart wallet to another address.

Using the function

await wizard.utils.transferSmartWalletOwnership(newOwner);

Input params

newOwner: Address of the new owner of the smart wallet

recoverSigningKey function

This function allows DAO address or the node operator to recover the signing key of a validator.

Using the function

await wizard.utils.recoverSigningKey(safeBoxAddress, nodeRunnerAddress, blsPublicKey, hAesPublicKey);

Input params

safeBoxAddress: Address of the safe box performing the recovery procedure
nodeRunnerAddress: Address of the node operator associated with the BLS public key
blsPublicKey: BLS public key to be recovered
hAesPublicKey: Hybrid encryption public key that can unlock multiparty computation used for recovery