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Multichain ERC20

Upcoming ETH Denver Event

Our ETH Denver events on March 3rd are quickly approaching! We will be talking about Multichain ERC20s, LSD Networks, and MEV Proof of Neutrality. You can learn more about each of these events, RSVP your tickets, and apply to be a speaker at the link below!

Important Details

Date: March 3, 2023

Time: 9:00 AM MST

Location: The Source Hotel Ball Room - 3330 Brighton Blvd, Denver, CO 80216

DevConnect Bogota - 2022

Matt Shams - Become an Ethereum Staker and Set Up Node in Under 2 Minutes

We need more mainstream users to partake in Etheruem PoS activity, A brief talk showcasing stake tooling for Ethereum deposit contract that allows a normal user to safely stake 32 ETH and have his/her Ethereum Validator from 0, this includes generating credentials and processing deposit, another 60 seconds will allow them to have a node up and running using DVT techstack.

ETHconomics: Matt Shams - ETH as a long-term collateral for rollup centric future

In this video, Matt Shams talks about the immediate near and long term impact of ETH as a long term asset for Ethereum PoS multi-chain future, and role of programmable coordination to make staked ETH benefits available to last mile everyday users.

Matt Shams - Composable Bridges as an Optimistic UTXO

Recording from Arepas Cumbia & Security event held in Bogota on Oct. 10th, 2022, for DevCon VI week.

DevConnect Amsterdam - 2022

Multichain ETH: Matt Shams - Blockswap - Humancentric Decentralization

Matt Shams at Blockswap's Multichain ETH event at Devconnect in Amsterdam talking about Humancentric Decentralization A talk exploring how we might create value based networks. It also goes into depth about how to promote meaningful decentralization for ETH staking. Proof of Stake networks rely heavily on a diversity of users. Matt Shams CEO of Blockswap explores in depth how this might arrive for the ETH L1 and transition into ETH L2.

Multichain ETH: Pol Lanski - Going from 0 to a staking business in 30 minutes

DAppNode at Blockswap's Multichain ETH event at Devconnect in Amsterdam talking about DAppNodes in the Stakehouse ecosystem. A talk exploring how a user can leverage DAppNode and Stakehouse to start a liquid staking business in under 30 minutes.

Multichain ETH: Vincent Almeida - Stakehouse Academy Introduction

Vincent at Blockswap's Multichain ETH event at Devconnect in Amsterdam talking about Stakehouse Academy. Stakehouse Academy is an opportunity for developers of all skill levels to have the first mover advantage in using multichain ETH in their protocols with easy to use templates. Find protocols ready to go out of the box with Stakehouse Academy.

Multichain ETH: Vincent Almeida - Stakehouse Academy Templates

Vincent at Blockswap's Multichain ETH event at Devconnect in Amsterdam talking about Stakehouse Academy templates. Stakehouse Academy is an opportunity for developers of all skill levels to have the first mover advantage in using multichain ETH in their protocols with easy to use templates. Find protocols ready to go out of the box with Stakehouse Academy.

Multichain ETH: Justin Zaliaduonis & Bingsheng Zhang - Common Interest Protocol

Justin & Bingsheng at Blockswap's Multichain ETH event at Devconnect in Amsterdam talking about dCommon and the Common Interest Protocol. Fractionalized validator ownership needs a continuum for trustless credential management. Stakehouse solves this novel problem using a skin in the game multisigners network through cryptography.

Multichain ETH: Mooly Sagiv - Certora Prover & Formal Verification

Certora at Blockswap's Multichain ETH event at Devconnect in Amsterdam talking about the Stakehouse protocol. Being at the forefront of smart contract development, the Blockswap team worked alongside Certora to formally verify the Stakehouse smart contracts. Hear about the collaboration and findings from using Certora Prover.

Multichain ETH: Runtime Verification - Security Techniques & Formal Verification for Developers

Runtime Verification at Blockswap's Multichain ETH event at Devconnect in Amsterdam talking about the Stakehouse protocol. The talk covered a set of techniques and methods that developers can and should follow to minimize as many exploits as possible in their code. Also, an introduction to formal verification was explained with free resources to get started. The talk will finished with a Q&A and a special announcement.

Multichain ETH: Stefan Kobrc - Stereum

Stereum at Blockswap's Multichain ETH event at Devconnect in Amsterdam talking about the journey of developing Stereum and making it grow beyond the idea of solo staking.